Thursday, December 3, 2009

Team Jacob

I found the Team Edward (James Olmos) graphic online earlier this week over at /Film. If I was the kind of person who wore funny t-shirts I would definitely buy that one.

So I couldn't resist the visual joke or the opportunity to co-opt the Twilight brand with my own Team Jacob image. Irene Jacob that is, star of two of my favorite films, Krzysztof Kieslowski's "The Double Life of Veronique" and "Three Colors: Red". She was my teenage heartthrob back in the day. And in 1994 probably the most beautiful woman on the planet. At that point she was on her way to becoming a great actress. Unfortunately, since those two Kieslowski films near the beginning of her career, she hasn't done anything worth mentioning. Trust me, I've sat through quite a few bad to mediocre Irene Jacob films in the hopes that one of them would return her to the prominence she deserves.

The Twilight branding actually works pretty well with her photo from "Red". While I can't stand the series itself I actually kind of like consistency of the design between the books and the novels. It's almost like they were developing a brand right from the beginning. That's the power of graphic design folks.

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